The Dos And Don’ts Of Wilderness Survival: Expert Advice

You’re on a camping trip, and it’s been a beautiful day. As the sun sets on your last night in the wild, you’re about to set up camp for the night. Suddenly, you find yourself lost—and now you have no idea where you are. 

Don’t worry: being lost in a wilderness is a common experience that almost anyone can overcome. In this article we’ll cover some dos and don’ts for staying alive in an emergency situation like this one.

10 Wilderness Survival Tips | Bushcraft Skills
Wilderness survival requires essential skills and safety tips.
Staying safe and surviving in the wilderness is feasible with the right knowledge and guidance.
Being aware of common wilderness survival mistakes and knowing how to avoid them can make a significant difference.
Our step-by-step guide on wilderness survival tips for beginners can help you learn essential knowledge and skills.
The ultimate guide to wilderness survival is a comprehensive resource for outdoor adventurers.

Do Get Prepared Beforehand

The most important thing you can do is plan ahead. If you’re going into the wilderness, make sure to take the time to learn about your local area and prepare for the worst.

This means knowing how to read a map and compass (or GPS device), as well as how to use them in conjunction with other tools like satellite phones or radios.

Wilderness survival requires essential skills and safety tips. Learn more about it in our guide on camping in the wilderness to stay prepared and secure in any outdoor situation.

Don’t Panic

Don’t panic. When things get bad, it’s natural to want to run away from your problems–but running away won’t solve anything. Instead of running from the situation, face it head on and try your best not to give up hope.

Don’t give up. If you’re lost in the wilderness or otherwise stranded without help nearby, giving up can mean death–so don’t give up! You have nothing but yourself at this moment (and maybe some friends who are trying their best), so hold out until help arrives or until you find a way out on your own… whatever happens first!

Don’t get angry with yourself or others around you if things aren’t going well; instead focus on finding solutions rather than complaining about them being there in the first place (which isn’t going anywhere).

Top Products to Help You Stay Calm and Avoid Panic

HeadspaceA meditation app that can help you stay calm and focused in stressful situations.
Rescue RemedyA natural stress-relief spray that can help reduce panic and anxiety.
CalmA relaxation app that provides guided meditations, breathing exercises, and sleep stories to promote relaxation and calmness.
ZoloftA prescription medication used to treat panic attacks, anxiety disorders, and depression.
SensateA handheld device that uses sound and vibration therapy to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Do Stay Healthy, Hydrated and Warm

  • Stay healthy, hydrated and warm.
  • Drink water to stay hydrated.
  • Wear layers of clothing to stay warm in the winter months or during cold nights.

Eat food that is high in calories and protein (for example, fatty fish), carbohydrates (like potatoes) or fat (such as olive oil). Sugar can also be an important source of energy for your body when you’re active outdoors for extended periods of time.

Staying safe and surviving in the wilderness can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and guidance, it becomes feasible. Check out our expert tips on staying safe and surviving in the wilderness to stay confident and secure during your outdoor adventure.

Don’t Eat Plants Unless You Know What They Are

It’s easy to think that the only thing you need to survive in the wild is food, but there are other things you should keep in mind. 

For example, don’t eat plants unless you know what they are. Many plants have poisonous parts or even entire leaves and stems that will kill you if eaten raw–and some of these can be very hard to tell apart from their edible counterparts!

Also be careful of mushrooms when looking for food; most mushrooms aren’t poisonous themselves but may contain toxins from nearby decaying matter (which sometimes includes other toxic plants). 

Finally, berries can also be pretty dangerous if not properly inspected before eating; some berries look similar enough at first glance but actually differ quite a bit internally (and therefore how toxic they might be). 

Nuts fall into this category as well: although nuts may seem like an easy way out when hunger strikes (since many types are high in protein), most nuts contain oils which cause stomach irritation when eaten raw; cooking them beforehand makes them much more digestible!

Top Products to Help Identify Edible Plants in the Wild

iNaturalistAn app that can help you identify plants, animals, and other living things in the wild.
Audubon WildflowersA comprehensive field guide with over 1,600 plants and 4,000 images to help with plant identification.
Garden AnswersAn app that can identify plants by photo recognition technology and provide information on plant care and maintenance.
SAS Survival HandbookA book that includes a section on wild plants, featuring information on how to identify and use them for food and medicine.
Wild EdiblesA mobile app with detailed information on identifying edible plants, including photos, descriptions, and recipes.

Do Keep Moving Even If It Is In The Wrong Direction

As you’re out there, don’t let yourself get too tired. If you do, it can be easy for your mind to wander off into dangerous territory–and even worse, it might lead to giving up. This is especially true when the weather starts getting colder and darker (which it will).

You should also keep moving even if it’s in the wrong direction! Don’t worry about getting lost; just keep going until you run into a tree or something else large enough that you can use as shelter from the elements.

Mistakes are common during wilderness survival. However, being aware of the common ones and knowing how to avoid them can make a significant difference. Read our guide on the most common wilderness survival mistakes and how to avoid them to stay prepared and secure in the outdoors.

Don’t Go Off-Trail Unless Absolutely Necessary

The most important thing to remember when traveling in the wilderness is that you should always stay on the trail. If you get off-trail for any reason, it can be extremely difficult to find your way back without a compass and map.

If you are lost in the woods and don’t know which direction to go, finding the trail can save your life! If there are no trails or roads nearby, try using landmarks like mountains or rivers to navigate. If there aren’t any visible landmarks either (for example if it’s foggy), use them as an “imaginary” reference point until more familiar ones come into view again later on–this will prevent getting lost even if visibility isn’t great at all times during travel time.

Top Products for Safe Hiking Navigation

AllTrailsA hiking app with maps, reviews, and photos of trailheads, routes, and nearby hiking locations.
Garmin InReachA GPS navigation device with satellite connectivity and location-sharing abilities for reliable hiking navigation.
Suunto TraverseA GPS outdoor watch with breadcrumb trail navigation and nearby point of interest alerts.
Guthook GuidesA hiking app with detailed maps, elevation profiles, and trail notes for popular long-distance hiking trails.
BaseMapA topographical mapping app that provides offline maps of remote hiking trails and real-time location tracking.

Do Follow The Sun And Stars To Navigate

Follow the sun and stars to navigate. If you’re lost, it’s important to know how to find your way out of the wilderness. 

One simple method is by using natural navigation techniques such as following the sun and stars. 

These techniques can be learned with a little practice and training, but they may not always work in all situations because of weather conditions or other factors (like whether or not it’s night).

Use a compass to navigate when there are no other options available! A compass is one of the most reliable ways to find your way through unfamiliar territory because it works no matter where you are on Earth–or even if you’re upside down! 

If possible though, we recommend learning how to use these more advanced methods first before resorting back here since they require less effort overall than using just one piece of equipment alone.

Getting started with wilderness survival can be overwhelming, but with the help of our step-by-step guide on wilderness survival tips for beginners, you can learn the essential knowledge and skills required to survive in any outdoor situation.

Don’t Let Fears Ruin Your Chance For Survival

Fear can be a useful emotion. It’s what keeps you from walking into traffic or jumping off of cliffs. But it can also be paralyzing, especially in a survival situation where the stakes are so high and time is precious. 

If fear has ever prevented you from doing something important (like quitting your job or asking out your crush), then this section is for you.

In order to use fear as a motivator instead of letting it prevent you from taking action, try these tips:

  • Practice mindfulness meditation daily so that when stressful situations arise, they don’t catch you by surprise–and give yourself enough time to process them before making any decisions about how to proceed
  • Identify what makes the situation feel scary instead of just reacting instinctively without knowing why those feelings exist in the first place

Are you planning an outdoor adventure and want to know what you need for wilderness survival? Our ultimate guide on wilderness survival covers everything you need to know, from essential skills and knowledge to survival equipment and tactics. Stay prepared and safe during your next outdoor adventure with our comprehensive guide.


If you have ever been camping or hiking in the wilderness, you know how important it is to be prepared. 

The key to survival is staying calm and thinking clearly when faced with danger. If you panic or make rash decisions, then there’s a good chance that you will get hurt or killed. 

And while it may seem like common sense at first glance, these tips can often be overlooked when people are caught up in their own emotions during an emergency situation! 

But don’t worry–we’ve got some great advice on how best to protect yourself from harm when lost out there in nature…

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for wilderness survival:

Masterclass – Survival Tips: A comprehensive article with practical tips and expert advice on wilderness survival.

Pelican Flyer – 7 Wilderness Survival Tips: Discover seven practical tips for wilderness survival that could save your life in an emergency situation.

Survival Cache – Wilderness Survival: A comprehensive guide that provides valuable information on essential survival skills, tips, and equipment required for wilderness survival.


Q: What are the most important wilderness survival skills?

A: The essential wilderness survival skills include fire-making, shelter building, water purification, signaling for rescue, navigation, and food procurement.

Q: What should I do if I get lost in the wilderness?

A: If you find yourself lost in the wilderness, stay calm, stay put, create a shelter, and signal for rescue. Try to make yourself visible and stay hydrated.

Q: What type of survival gear do I need for wilderness survival?

A: The essential survival gear for wilderness survival includes a survival knife, torch, water filter, fire starter, maps, compass, signaling device, extra clothing and shelter, and a first aid kit.

Q: How can I prevent hypothermia during wilderness survival?

A: To prevent hypothermia, wear warm and waterproof clothing, create a shelter, stay dry, stay active, and consume adequate calories and fluids.

Q: How long can I survive without food in the wilderness?

A: You can survive without food for up to three weeks, but this may vary depending on many factors such as body weight, activity level, and environmental conditions. It is essential to stay hydrated and seek food when possible.