15 Common Camping Trip Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Camping is one of the most enjoyable ways to spend your time outdoors. But no matter how much you love it, there are always going to be some annoyances. 

Whether it’s a mosquito bite or an unexpected storm that ruins your trip, there are plenty of things that can go wrong on any camping trip and more often than not, these things will happen right when you need them least! 

In this article we’ll discuss 15 common camping trip mistakes and how to avoid them. From checking your gear beforehand or packing enough water for everyone in your group, these tips will help make sure your next camping excursion turns out better than expected!

Don’t Bring Cotton

Cotton can be a bad choice when you’re camping. Cotton is not very durable, so it’s more likely to wear out quickly. It also doesn’t dry easily and takes longer than other fabrics to dry in the sun if you get caught in rain. 

The cotton fibers absorb water and don’t keep you warm as well as other fabrics do either. If you’re going to be sleeping outdoors or doing strenuous activities while camping, avoid wearing cotton clothing or bringing it with you on your trip; instead wear synthetic or wool items instead!

Avoid The Trail Mix Sugar Crash

There are many reasons why you should avoid eating too much sugar. First, it can make you feel sluggish and tired, so you won’t be able to enjoy all your outdoor activities as much. Second, too much sugar can cause headaches and other health problems such as heart disease or diabetes later in life. 

But when camping with friends or family members who love their sweets just as much as you do? The temptation to indulge in that bag of chocolate chips will be even greater! 

To avoid any unwanted consequences from indulging too much in your favorite foods while camping, keep these tips in mind:

Don’t eat too many carbohydrates like pasta or breads because these foods will cause an insulin spike followed by an energy drop later on due to having low amounts of protein and fat content; this could lead directly back into craving more carbs which would cause another round cycle until eventually digesting out all those sugars causing stomach pains/cramps etc…

Pack A Real First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is a necessity for any camping trip. You should take time to learn about and practice the basics of first aid, including what to do in case of a snakebite or bee sting (use ice and elevate, respectively).

You don’t need a whole pharmacy: A basic kit with bandages in various sizes, gauze pads, and antiseptic wipes will suffice. 

Also be sure to include a small flashlight you may need it for night-time trips to the bathroom and perhaps even a mirror so that you can see if there’s anything on your face that could be causing irritation (i.e., ticks). 

Pack an extra whistle just in case one gets lost or forgotten; they’re cheap enough to replace without hassle if necessary.

A compass is another thing worth including in your first aid kit because it can help you navigate out of trouble if required, which brings us back around again: Always tell someone where you’re going before setting off into the woods!

Mark Your Trail

Use a GPS tracker. This is the most basic way to mark your trail, and it’s probably what you’ll do if you’re just starting out. The best part is that most of these devices are small and waterproof, so they won’t take up much space in your pack or get damaged in rainy conditions.

Use a compass (and map). A compass is an essential tool for navigating out there, but if you don’t have one already or if something happens to yours you can use various apps on your phone as substitutes! 

You might even want to keep both options around just in case: after all, nothing’s worse than getting lost when there’s no signal left on your phone battery!

Tie ribbons/markers onto trees along each path segment between campsites so others can follow suit when hiking through the woods later on down the line

Bring Your Own Water To Avoid Dehydration

First and foremost, always drink plenty of water before you start hiking. The more water you have in your system before hitting the trail, the less likely you are to need it along the way and this will keep you from dehydrating.

If you’re worried about carrying all that extra weight, consider investing in a hydration pack like CamelBak’s M.U.L.E., which holds 80 ounces (2 liters) and features an insulated tube so your beverage stays cold longer than it would if it were just sitting in a regular plastic bottle or aluminum canister on your back. 

For shorter trips when space is at a premium, 32-ounce (1 liter) Nalgene bottles with straws make for easy transportation without adding too much bulk to your pack; similarly , 24-ounce disposable BPA-free plastic bottles with lids are great for camping trips where you don’t want to worry about keeping track of reusable containers after they’ve been emptied out or refilled during mealtime at campground restaurants.

Assume Nothing About Weather

It’s easy to assume that you’ll be able to enjoy a beautiful, sunny day at camp. But the weather can change quickly, and often does. 

Always be prepared for rain, snow and wind by having a tent that can withstand strong gusts of wind. Be aware of temperature changes as well; if it’s hot during the day but gets colder at night, make sure you have warm clothes and blankets if necessary. 

Also keep an eye on humidity and cloud cover (which may also affect temperature). And remember: lightning and thunderstorms are always possible in many parts of North America during summer months so don’t forget your rain gear!

Don’t Skimp On Socks And Insoles

Socks and insoles are critical to comfort. You don’t want to go cheap here! Look for socks that wick moisture away from your feet, as well as ones that are breathable and odor resistant. Cushioning in the heel and toe will help prevent blisters.

Check (And Re-Check) Your Gear

Before you set off on your camping trip, make sure that all the gear you need is in working order and that everyone in your family knows how to use it. 

That means making sure the tent is still waterproof, sleeping bags are warm enough, stoves work and food is edible (or at least non-poisonous). 

If there’s a spare sleeping bag or clothing item you can loan out if someone forgets something, great—but don’t wait until they forget something before springing into action. T

he more prepared you are for any eventuality before leaving home, the less time there will be for stress while on vacation.

Keep The Food In Your Stomach And Touching The Ground At All Times.

You’re going camping. You know what that means: you can finally kick off those shoes and relax outside for an entire weekend! But before you pack up your gear and head out, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

  • Food and water should be in a backpack that is on your back
  • Food and water should be in a backpack that is on the ground
  • Food and water should be in a backpack that is on your stomach (if it’s too heavy) or shoulders (if it isn’t).

Prioritize Multitasking Gear And Supplies

One way to avoid wasting time is by keeping your gear and supplies as efficient as possible. If you can get the job done with a few items, do it. 

That means prioritizing multitasking gear and supplies over single-use items wherever possible it’ll save both time packing and money buying replacements for what inevitably goes missing on an outdoor adventure.

Multitaskers are usually more expensive up front, but they pay for themselves over time because they’re so handy to have around in a pinch. 

For example, instead of buying a new pack every couple years when yours wears out or breaks (which will add up surprisingly fast), buy one that’s built to last and then make sure that pack has lots of pockets for storing those essentials like sunglasses, water bottles, first aid kits, headlamps and more so you don’t have to lug them around separately every trip out into nature. 

This way if something happens while camping where there isn’t cell service or Wi-Fi access and believe me it will happen eventually you’re not stuck without anything essential while trying desperately not to die from dehydration.

Get Your Permit Ahead Of Time, If Possible

While some campsites are first come, first serve, others require advanced reservations. Know the rules for your campground before you go. If it’s a busy place like Yosemite National Park or another popular camping destination, get your permit in advance these places fill up quickly! 

For less popular sites and national forests, permits may be issued at the trailhead on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Check with your local ranger station or national park website for details about how to reserve ahead of time if you can’t make it out early enough to snag one at your destination.

Get Your Wet Clothes Off Quickly To Avoid Getting Chilled While Hiking

If you are camping in a cold weather climate, getting your wet clothes off quickly will help avoid getting chilled while hiking.

Do not take off wet clothes and sit in them.

Do not wear wet clothes to bed or when cooking, eating or sleeping.

Don’t Let Yourself Get Too Thirsty Or Hungry Before You Hike Back To Camp

The scenery, wildlife and fresh air are enough to make any camping trip worth it. But if you get back home from your adventure and feel like you didn’t quite get the most out of your time there, then you’re probably making one or more of these common camp mistakes.

Don’t let yourself get too thirsty or hungry before you hike back to camp. If it’s hot outside and you haven’t brought enough water with you for the trek, then this can be a big problem. 

Make sure that when you set off on any hike during the day (especially if it’s going to be long), that you take plenty of water with you! Similarly, don’t forget snacks! 

A granola bar will help keep hunger at bay while hiking in between meals as well as provide energy after eating if needed and who doesn’t need a little extra energy after an afternoon spent exploring nature?


There you have it, the 15 most common camping trip mistakes and how to avoid them. As we’ve shown here, if you know what to do and what not to do, then your next camping trip will be a guaranteed success.

We hope that this article has been helpful for those of you who are planning a trip soon or even just want some general tips on how to make your next camping experience better!